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Monday, 1 April 2013

Bioshock Infinite - KeyGen 1.0

  • Release date: 26th March 2013
  • Number of Downloads: 5012
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Operating System: All versions of Windows
Bioshock Infinite is the newest game of the Bioshock game series and it brings a whole new world to life. The graphics are amazing and the storyline is one of the best out there. It is recommended to fantasy, action, sci-fi and adventure game lovers. This is open to all sort of gamers and I am sure that most of them will like it.

Abilities :
  • Generating Random -WORKING- Serial Keys
  • Generated Serial Keys can be inserted into Origin and redeemed as an original, bought game.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Fifa 13 - KeyGen 5.2

Fifa 13 - KeyGen 5.2

  • Release date: 23th November 2012
  • Number of Downloads: 87951
  • Version: 5.2.0
  • Operating System: All versions of Windows
Fifa 13 brought a new systematic into the world of Sports game, after the new Fifa 11 success the Fifa 12 was a huge disappointing for the fans but they've got their fans back with Fifa 13 as being the most successful edition of the well known sport series, FIFA. After testing out modalities of how to get and generate original serial keys for Origin, we figured it out and after a few months of keeping it secret we released it to you guys, enjoy Fifa 13 on Origin with all the online mods available for you for free!

Abilities :
  • Generating Random -WORKING- Serial Keys
  • Generated Serial Keys can be inserted into Origin and redeemed as an original, bought game.

Call of Duty Black Ops II - KeyGen 3.4

Call of Duty Black Ops II - KeyGen 3.4

  • Release date: 27th of December 2012
  • Number of Downloads: 134051
  • Version: 3.4.0
  • Operating System: All versions of Windows
Call of Duty in the latest versions was a huge disappointment both graphically and gameplay/story-wise. Even so, it seems like they made a few dramatic changes with this version and they've done very well as it's getting back to the stage where it was the most popular and played shooter, peoples letting Battlefield for BO II. Anyways, a great news I got for you is that this KeyGen generates original keys which means you can insert them into Origin and play through Origin, online or offline mods.

Abilities :
  • Generating Random -WORKING- Serial Keys
  • Generated Serial Keys can be inserted into Origin and redeemed as an original, bought game.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - KeyGen 2.1

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - KeyGen 2.1

  • Release date: 21th of November 2012
  • Number of Downloads: 7055
  • Version: 2.1.0
  • Operating System: All versions of Windows and Mac
Euro Truck 2 brings a revolution into the all-time truck "simulators" and it can be considered the best truck simulator out on the market. As they moved over to EA's more popular Origin online platform and we know how to generate original keys for Origin, we created this small and simple CD Key Generator that generates original serial keys that are working with Origin without any problem.

Abilities :
  • Generating Random -WORKING- Serial Keys
  • Generated Serial Keys can be inserted into Origin and redeemed as an original, bought game.

Assassin's Creed 3 - KeyGen 3.1


  • Release date: 14th of December 2012
  • Number of Downloads: 3465
  • Version: 3.1.0
  • Operating System: All versions of Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and Ubuntu

Assassin's Creed 3 has been voted by most of you one of the most famous and entertaining action/stealth game in the history and lately I've been getting a huge wave of requests in making a key generator that will generate working serials, that can be used on Origin as well. After struggling a few weeks I managed to get a hold of some important data and now all the serials can be used in Origin and redeemed as original game.

Abilities :
  • Generating Random -WORKING- Serial Keys
  • Generated Serial Keys can be inserted into Origin and redeemed as an original, bought game.

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